What Sets Borderless Ads Apart?
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.
It’s clear that in-game advertising is headed in the direction of non-intrusivity — it’s all about incorporating the brand experience into games themselves. However, current solutions that are out there overlook a variety of important considerations that are essential to enabling high-quality in-game ad experiences — Contextual relevance, content variety, and harmony with core gameplay are just a few of these factors, but they all play a role in dictating whether your in-game ad experience is average or borderless.
Now, despite non-intrusive ads growing in salience over recent years, not everyone is familiar with the concept. Let’s dive right in and answer the question: What are Borderless Ads? 🤔
Non-Intrusive Ads: How do they differ?
👾 What exactly are non-intrusive in-game ads? In simple terms, they allow brands to advertise within games and reach gamer audiences without actually interrupting them from their play sessions. Non-intrusive ads are also known as “blended” or “embedded” ads because they appear in the playable environments of games themselves rather than pausing the game with some sort of intrusive, pop-up ad. Simply put, these non-intrusive ads help reduce ad fatigue and give brands a healthier relationship with their viewers by not shoving unwanted content down their throats.
While there is precedence for non-intrusive ads, spanning back to the 2010s, they were far less easy to implement. Most ads were integrated during the development process of the game and required significant time and resources toward their implementation. Creative development, approval on the part of both the game and the brand from a business perspective, and the implementation of the ads by the developer were likely only some of the steps required for even a single ad to show up in just one game.
Another setback of existing non-intrusive ads is their limited functionality. While certain solutions have innovated on ways to incorporate more engaging content, it remains true that most in-game ads are non-interactive. While there are certainly ways to track players’ ad-viewing activity in-game, that still doesn’t directly increase their potential to convert into a customer.
Borderless Ads: Advertising for the Future of Web3 Gaming
Like other solutions of its kind, Borderless Ads is designed to deliver ad content non-intrusively; in other words, these ads can be ignored by the ad-viewers (i.e. players), if they so wish. However, Borderless Ads offers a slew of functionalities that very well may entice players to engage like no other solution out there. These features make it not only incredibly quick for games to integrate ad campaigns but also easy for brands and other creators to deliver a greater variety and novelty in their advertising content.
🏎️ Branded Assets: Craft bespoke product placements tailored for brands.
Built and formulated specifically for ad campaigns, Branded Assets are brand-owned, in-game items that assimilate with their in-game environment and take the form of virtually anything — a landmark, a vehicle, a t-shirt, and even a consumable item. If someone can make the asset, it can be integrating into your campaign.
These assets, like our Ad Surfaces where image and video content gets served, can maintain unique behaviors and convert players through a discreet interaction mechanism, without stopping their current play session. When triggered, the Branded Asset or Ad Surface interaction will send an email to the player’s ReneVerse account. This email, containing CTAs, promotional offers, or useful tools like backlinks, is the brand’s way of advancing the targeted player through a marketing funnel that he or she engages with asynchronously and with high interest. This means that the game isn’t interrupted, and the users who engage with the email are highly likely to be converted.
🛠️ Seamless Integration & Scalable Management: For Games to Integrate and Brands to Advertise.
Through the ReneVerse SDK, available for Unity and JS, Borderless Ads integration is a straightforward process for game studios. Apart from registering with ReneVerse and downloading the SDK, developers need only to define ad surfaces within their game’s environment once. After that, numerous ad campaigns can be uploaded to the ad surfaces within their games, even simultaneously, with no additional lift required.
Similarly, through the ReneVerse Portal, brands can quickly and easily set up their ad campaigns. After providing their image/video ad content, defining their wanted in-game behaviors (if any), and preparing their campaign-specific, inbound marketing content for the email mechanism, brands will have an ad campaign that can be run across multiple games simultaneously for maximum reach.
🔗 Web2 Product, Web3 Infrastructure: Reaching the mass market of games through an enhanced, underlying ad infrastructure.
A very tricky task in building a product like this is to introduce two concepts that gamers typically loathe: Blockchain and Advertising. So what’s the solution? Only use these technologies if they stay well out of the way of the gameplay and introduce benefits for them.
On the blockchain side of things, we’ve done exactly that. ReneVerse, compatible with multiple EVM blockchain networks, will only store ad performance data like impressions and interactions on-chain, to maintain transparency. This helps lower the chances of ad fraud and reduces communication overhead with brands and ad networks.
💰 Borderless Ad Points: Rewards for Playing Ad-Enabled Games
Additionally, any registered user with a ReneVerse account will be able to earn Borderless Ad Points simply by playing games enabled with Borderless Ads. For every ad you see or interact with in your play session, you’re passively rewarded with an accumulation of Ad Points. From there, a portion of the ad revenue generated from advertisers will be shared to you. With the custodial wallet included within a ReneVerse account, it’s easy to safely custody and manage the funds you’ve earned.
The Borderless Ads Pilot!
🚀 As we speak, over 15+ partners from the world of Web3 are integrating the ReneVerse SDK within their games and curating the first wave of Borderless Ad campaigns. In a number of weeks, these partners will go LIVE with their campaigns in the Borderless Ads Pilot.
Currently, we have partnered with the following organizations and will be able to reach a combined 2.2M+ gamers across all titles. As more participating brands and games join the fold, Borderless Ads will grow in its ability to reach even more players, non-intrusively.
Again, we’d like to extend our gratitude to the incredible brand and game partners joining us for the Pilot, representing both Web2 and Web3 communities. We will be shining a spotlight on each of these partners over the coming weeks after the Pilot goes live, so be sure to follow us on Twitter.
Whether you are a Game, Creator, Brand, or a Player, we’d love to have you join us in our journey to build #borderlessadvertising
Visit our website to book a demo if your organization is interested in Borderless Ads, and follow us on Twitter to stay updated with our next upcoming campaign!